Relevant Derive is the quarterly bilingual International Journal of Social Science with International Standard Serial Number ISSN (P) 2322-018X was commenced 2013 with excellent advisory board and editorial review board also. 14 issues are available and its has a good impact factor 8.2856 by Indian Council of Research Journals Impact Factor & Rating (ICRJIFR). It is famous in Assam, Gujrat, Bihar, Rajasthan, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka. Indexed in various universities and it has a super cover design with Indian revolutionaries. More then 200 papers have been published in this journal. Lot of Research Scholars, Professors, Ph.d Applicants have been appreciated regarding this. It gives hopes and outstanding coverage of social science along with all paradigms, Sociology, History, Civics, Philosophy, Economics and others.
Relevant Derive